
Wake up call...

Kategori: Smått&Gott

Something tells me that my mum wants me out of the house, probably rather sooner then later.

Hmm, I wonder.. Could it be the fact that she woke me up this morning, more or less hitting me on the head with some ads she thought I should take a closer look at??


Until you know what to do next with your life you might as well get a job in Skellefteå..

Question is, is this really were I want to be and was meant to be?

My whole life as I hade planed it out and though it to be was pulled away from under my feet and a life with someone is suddenly a life for one - again. Sure, I could start working and then quit.

But for the time being I just feel.. Actually not really sure what I feel.

That I don’t belong in Skellefteå and to be honest and truthfully I’m not sure were home is.


A friend of me once said that home is were your heart is.. Well what if that heart got broken and torn one to many times? Then were is home? Then were is the dream that makes you smile and keeps you going feeding hope that makes it possible to brush your self off and get up on your feet again?


I do know I will make it through this, made it through everything else so far, so what is to say I will not make this one? Just don’t want to make a dissension based on "until I know". So sick of moving around packing my life up and down in boxes. If that’s the way life is to be Id rather just have a backpack live with the world as my home.


Think this picture is pretty much me right now..

Just to bad its winter here, case sitting by the ocean listening to the waves come and go to shore would have been pretty sweet.


Found a word in the script that goes pretty well with this morning. (yes mum, this is for you):

"Jesus said: Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

(Matthew 11: 28-30)


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